Author: Leadsemantics

The New AI-Powered Recommendations

Why is this ‘program recommended’ to me? Exploring Recommendation System Algorithms and Applications: A recommendation system is an algorithmic solution that suggests additional products and services to consumers. These systems help... Read More

ESG factors in financial analysis

*This particular blog post focusing on financial analysis has been split into two parts given the breadth of the topic What: Financial analysis is the process of evaluating a company’s performance... Read More

ESG strategy and sustainable investment.

Sustainable investment, also known as socially responsible investing (SRI), is an investment approach that considers environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in addition to traditional financial considerations. It involves investing... Read More

Uncovering investment opportunities through Analysis of Unstructured Data: Private equity professionals play a crucial role in the world of investments. They possess a unique set of skills and expertise that enable... Read More

Extracting ESG data from Text documents

ESG: Driving Financial Growth and Shaping Stakeholder Expectations The importance of ESG (environmental, social, governance) as reflected in the five fold increase of internet searches since 2019, indicating its... Read More

LLM & Generative AI: LLMs, the ‘Generative AI technology behind ChatGPT, are remarkable in their understanding of human language and their ability to generate near human responses in... Read More

ESG In Tandem With Artificial Intelligence: Why It Matters

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing has become increasingly popular in recent years as investors seek to align their investments with these factors. But what is ESG, and why does... Read More

NLP a Powerful Tool for ESG INVESTING

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are now widely recognized as important drivers of long-term financial performance, and investors are increasingly seeking to integrate ESG considerations into their decision-making process. To... Read More

LeadSemantics – Explainable AI with Semantics

Develop and market AI solutions targeting Text and Knowledge using state of the art NLP, Large Language Models, and Semantic Graph technology We leverage the awesome power of Large Language Models... Read More